Thursday, March 19, 2009

Girls can beTechno-Geeks too!

Maisy is my little Techno-Geek. She loves anything that has to do with modern day technology! She loves computer games, X-box games, Movies, music, and has really good math skills. A new discovery this week-end is that Maisy also is interested in the Twilight Saga. She was on a bike ride with her dad, and he said she kept looking at him. He said, "why are you looking at me like that?" She said, "Because I think you look like Edward!" How cute is that! Maisy and I spent some time hanging out doing a Math game on her computer. We also looked through the Twilight Movie Companion. Most of the things that I do with Maisy are quiet games. We like to play dress up of her dolls and play quietly. I think one of the most exciting things I've done with Maisy this so far this week is have her read to me. The last time I was here she didn't seem to want to read at all, but this week she is really showing signs of being a really good reader! Maisy is really into the Tinkerbell series, Doll People, The Meanest Doll on Earth and the Junie B Jones books. She also loves fashion, and so, you can see a picture of her in her "New" Jeans her mom made for her birthday!

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